m Schiedam Aromatico r, •SGHN/ SchiedamAromatic '"'A A AVISO AL PUBLICO. ba Imitation y falsification dal sea Ginebra) WOLFE WOLFE'S A SUPERLATIVE Invigorating Cordial. CADHON TO THE PUBLIC. WOLFE'S lSi22BeaverSt. Nev-'Yorlt Enige etiketten van Wolfe producten en waarschuwingen tegen namaak. De producten werden via New York of Rotterdam verzonden. tweede drank (naast 'Schiedam' voor jenever in Frankrijk en België) waarin de naam van de stad voortleeft. Blankenheym Nolet had, naast de meer dan honderd jenevermerken, en naast de bekende Wolfe ook zo'n dertig Schnapps merken. Hiervan waren er vele voor een specifieke exporteur of een bepaalde importeur in een ver land. Het is wonderlijk waar al deze dranken terecht 65 DE han sido tan frecuentes, que el propietarlo ha juzgado necesario liamar la atención del publico a este hecho. Hay falsificadores que Imitan el rótulo y la firma del pro- pietario. Desde ahora, el legitimo llcor "SCHNAPPS" llevara en este rótulo la firma de JOEL B. WOLFE. Doy fé que el contenido de este frasco es el verdadero SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS AROMATICO sea Ginebra) DE WOLFE. TONIC, BIUESTIC, ANTI-DYSPEPTIC, AND THIS MEDICINAL 3F.7EBA0E h manufactured exclusively at Schiedam, in Holland, and is warranted not only para from every injurious property and ingredient, hut of u, quality. Its extraordinary Medicinal properties, in Gra7elf Gout, Chrocic Rhsmnatlsm, IiSjtyieat Dropsy Flatulence, Colic Of Uio Stomach or Bowels, ^y^uicr In ADULTS or Infants, In all ordinary covy^f Obstruction In the Lidneya, BUddorQnd. Urinary Organs; In Dyrpepsia, *betb^ Acute cr Chronic; in Gsnaril Debility, Circulation ot the Bleed, Inadcqn^'Asrjailation ot Food, and ^yrcaasted Vital Znerjy; Aro acknowledged hy the whole Medical Faculty, and lUt^ted in their highest tvrittcn authorities. «T The altcatioa of Agents and pnrchnsent is invited to tbc signature and address of ibe Pro- nriKtor on this label, and to the title ot this Medicinal Cordial, embossed on the sides of the Bottle as protection against inferior and pernicious iinitatious. ROTTERDAM. E*T«s*or icconilns to Act of CongrnM. In the GnltM 8Urt.ni District Court of Ulo Southern District of Ni<* YurX. rS?>3e =^=r==~=r^.-^=r-=T=-=^==rTr=T===~= The Imitations and Courtfiwferia of Haxirg become so numerous In the United State*. tn« proprietor deems rt ntceiury to caution the public afa>r\s' those wile impostors. Some imitate tui Label, wnils others use bit j autofTacn Signature Hereafter the fenjT.e SCHNAPPS will bea-* trw autojrraon vgraturec' JOZLE.WSLFT I Lie prevent Prccrietcr. ana;lea to th,. uisc: I HEHÏT3Y CÏP.TUT im: In, Uauc* contained In this bon* rs the fenunc WOLFE'S CCHl^.IUKf AROMATIC SCHNAPPS. 22 BEAVER STREET, New York. n D.r.nu Cocn

Gemeentearchief Schiedam - Krantenkijker

Scyedam | 1997 | | pagina 29